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Why Financial Relief University?

What's motivating Jeff to build this?

Hi, I'm Jeff Wilson...


Thanks for stopping.  Welcome to your first step to FINANCIAL RELIEF.

My goal here is to turnaround debt-ridden adults who worry about never being financially comfortable by offering a variety of financial solutions with action steps so they can rid themselves of debt and worry and become financially confident.

Have you ever thought:

“There’s no way I’m going to pay off this student debt.”

“No one ever pays off their house.”

“Getting the longest mortgage you can saves you a lot on your taxes.

“I’ll never make enough to afford a home of my own.”

“I’ve finished college so I need to buy the best car I can where I can afford the payment.”

“It’s so much better to lease a car than to buy one.”

“There’s no way with kids we can be debt-free.”

“With only one spouse working we’ll always be in debt.”

“I make too much $ in my current job to find my dream job.”

“I’ll never be able to afford to start the business I’ve dreamed of.”

“I’ll have to work past 65 because I can’t afford to retire.”

If you have ever had these and similar thoughts then you have come to the right place! We can change that.

Get Tips on Relieving Your Financial Pressures & Jeff's FREE eBook Below

How will Jeff Wilson & Financial Relief University Get You to Financial Comfort?

I’m here to help you develop new behaviors with your money

“You can’t read the label when you’re inside the bottle.” Do you know when this applies to you? Many times all of us find we are too close to a situation that is bothering us to see a clear solution. People I’ve helped just need someone objective like me with specific experience to show them poor financial behaviors to stop and new ones to replace those old ones with. This kind of change can occur fairly quickly and turnaround a poor financial situation into a much better one.

I’m here to help you spot those poor behaviors and replace them with good ones

Do you hate the thought of focusing on the details with your loans, bank accounts, budgets, who gets paid, who doesn’t, collection calls, etc…? Like many people, those areas are unfamiliar, uncomfortable, and makes you feel lost so you procrastinate dealing with them until it’s panic time.

Maybe you like games. If so, turn the process into a game and work to figure it out and win the game. Maybe you like crossword puzzles. If so, make your financial health a new puzzle where you have to figure out all of the words to complete the puzzle and get that feeling of accomplishment. Regardless of what you like, try to make your financial situation relate to something you like to dig in to and figure out. That just may change your mindset toward it and get you to work on it now.

I’ve found once people start on the first baby step toward getting a clear handle on their finances, they start to build confidence and excitement quickly. This usually leads to digging in deeper, taking the next several baby steps, and before they know it they have started making great progress toward turning around their financial situation.

I’m here to get you focused and taking action to turn it around

I’ve found when I’m working with a couple, for example, there are usually parts one party is good at and parts the other party is good at. Do what you are best at.  Split up the tasks between both of you if you’re a couple. If you’re single, it is helpful to team up with an accountability partner (sibling, friend, coworker...), where you help each other accomplish your goals. My point is to try to have support around you, encouraging you because there will be times when you need to be reminded of why you are doing this.

I’m ready to help you turn your finances around so you can get confident and comfortable with them, relieving the daily stress of the constant dark cloud that many feel with their finances. This is not hopeless. You just need some assistance to take the right action and change behaviors.

Get Your Assistance & Free Cost-Cutting eBook Below

Jeff Wilson has been featured as an Amazon #1 Best-Seller, in Kindle books, on 60+ radio programs, a multi-part cable program, several print articles, key-note, break-out, award, and commencement speeches, full-day and multi-part trainings, guest posts, etc. Send him an email to join your event.

About Jeff Wilson
Jeff Wilson

Jeff grew up in Fayette, a small town west of Toledo, Ohio. He’s been very driven all of his life.  Having bought his first rental home at a sheriff’s auction as a 17-year old high school senior on a hall pass, he rarely does the “normal” thing.  For 25+ years since high school (15 of those while in college outside of work hours), he’s run and owned companies, filling roles of CFO, COO, CEO, General Counsel, and Turnaround Specialist, helping those companies reach record sales and profits several years. He’s done financial & estate planning, served on multiple boards, volunteered and has done pro bono work for over 25 entities in addition to teaching at three colleges.

His formal credentials include a JD (licensed attorney in OH & MI), MBA, MHA, CMA, CBM, BS, and AA in management, marketing, computer science, finance, and law.  He’s has advanced training in real estate investing and obtained Series 7 & 66 securities licenses and insurance/annuities licenses.  He remains active in distressed real estate and businesses. He’s played competitive sports for decades recently retiring from competitive volleyball now focusing on pickleball and golf, he emcees and sings at local events, and regularly spends time with his wife, Beth, family, and two Bichon-Maltese buddies in Toledo.

Are you ready to get a custom blueprint from Jeff for turning around that annoying financial situation you find yourself in so your can get the financial relief you desire. Just click below to enter your email address and start getting Jeff’s solutions, starting with his FREE e-book.

Get Jeff's Solutions & FREE eBook Below

Jeff is also the author of the #1 Best Selling success series Life's Cheat Sheets: Crucial Success Habits School Never Taught You.  Get in touch with him at [email protected] or find out more about Jeff at
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