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How to Launch Multiple Streams Of Passive Income

I originally wrote this as a part of a commencement speech I was giving and have used it in several settings now because it applies to people at any age. I love to share this valuable concept early in the year as many plan short and long term for their futures. This is more of a big picture, long term plan, but many actions steps are needed in the short term to make the long term occur. If you want a life change, more income, less debt, more time off, flexible hours, more satisfaction, etc., read on.

This following concept relates to your profession, which takes more of your waking hours than most any item during your day, but it also applies to your overall life and satisfaction with it. Chapter 16 of my #1 Best Seller Life’s Cheat Sheets is a similar compilation of this concept with more detail.

How much money do you want to make every year?

I read an article in Entrepreneur that referred to the multiplier effect which is a portion of this concept. I suggest you seriously...

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11 Life Lessons That Spawned From My Shocking Attack

My Heart Attack Story

It was a warm fall evening October 9, 2018 in Holland at Strawberry Acres park pickleball courts at 630 pm and I was playing in an advanced league.  In the last few points of my last game, I picked up the ball and the whole world started to spin sideways quickly then I saw myself falling to the court.  I had collapsed and gone into cardiac arrest within seconds (flat lined, coded, dead, history, worm vittles…) without having any symptoms at all.  I started to turn blue and my playing partner, Dave Rice, started CPR quickly and the blue color went away.

I was playing against an MD (Dr. Greg Haselhuhn) and an RN (Becky Chen) on the next court came to help.  They had my airway open and could see air coming out of my mouth so CPR was working, but they were not getting any vital signs so they knew it was very serious.  Another player called 911 while other players found my phone to call my wife Beth to get to the courts.  They...

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How to Get Remarkable Health Benefits From Financial Relief

Do any of these thoughts apply to you, your kids, parents, grandparents?

“Nearly 80% of American workers live paycheck to paycheck.”

“Student loan debt is $1.5 TRILLION (1,500,000,000,000) and climbing.”

“Average U.S. vehicle loan payment per month is $400-$550, depending on it’s year, and most households have at least two vehicles.”

“Credit card debt surpassed $1 Trillion with an average American’s balance at $6,400 at high interest rates.”

“Average mortgage balance in the U.S. is $202,000 with a 30-year term and a payment of over 1,000 per month.”

“28% of Americans in their 60’s have less than $50,000 saved and >40% have under $100,000 saved, which is far too low to fund their retirement.”

“Social Security will only replace 30-40% of your income on average and that figure continues to decline starting in 2035 as the fund is running out of money.”


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Unlimited Financial Relief Secrets Are Coming!

Hi I’m Jeff Wilson. After a very serious heart event, I decided to share my decades of experience and education (formal and much more informal) in turning around companies, individuals, and real estate projects that allowed them to survive a grim financial situation and ultimately thrive.

I have talked with so many adults that have too much debt, live beyond their means, and have no savings or plan for retirement. The government and social security is not a plan. Within the next decade or so, they will start reducing retirees’ checks because they will be running out of money. Therefore, adults have to take charge of their finances now, get in control, and change their financial habits to ones that work for them. You want to earn interest and compound it rather than pay interest and fees. Screw that minimum payment mentality.

Many helpful posts will follow as well as products and services that you can use to change your behaviors and take control. These changes will...

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