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Book Jeff Wilson to Speak at Your Event

Book Jeff

Bring Jeff’s Inspiration to Your Next Event!

After buying his first, of many, rental homes at a sheriff’s auction as a 17 year old high school senior on a hall pass, Jeff became CFO by 21, COO at 27, CEO & millionaire at 31.

Jeff packs his 25+years of business experience/education into one easy-to-apply success message that is supported by his comprehensive Best-Seller on succeeding in life. He gives talks on any of the subjects in the Life’s Cheat Sheets (LCS) series and now on his Financial Relief University subjects listed in the FREE ebook. The table of contents for the launch book-Success Habits can be found on the LCS press page. Future books he's drafted include achieving mental focus, street-smart skill sets, future planning, financial control & planning, leadership, and negotiation.

Find out more about his background on the About pages here and on the LCS site.  See more samples his talks on the LCS speaking and press pages.  Grab his Speaking Brochure here. Jeff speaks at Rotaries, Chambers, Annual Meetings, Parent & Church Groups, Staff Development Seminars, Associations, Workshops, Colleges & Schools, Non-Profits, etc. He customizes his message to make the impact your organization is looking for.

Jeff block books to reduce everyone’s costs. He also gives a large discount for bulk book buys because he wants everyone to leave with the tools needed to take action and move their life to the next step. Since his books have “What Would Jeff Do” action steps at the end of each chapter, participants will walk away with a checklist of what to do next.

Have your Event Planner: 1) e-mail [email protected]  with ?’s; 2) call him direct (419-842-8112) or; 3) complete the speaking request form to book him now.

P.S. If you have a speaker booked that cancels, he may be able to fill in on short notice and solve your problem.

Some of Jeff's Signature Talks

Each keynote will offer practical solutions you can apply today to ehnance your life and solve your financial problems, reducing your stress load. Jeff adapts the talk to fit your unique audience's needs. 

60+ Radio stations around the country have had him on talking on topics such as his negotiating everything process, reducing expenses, avoiding student debt, his guerrilla occupation search strategy, goal (promise) setting and achieving, etc. He’s very driven to help people that are struggling in this economy and ultimately taped a 3-part TV cable series outlining several strategies.

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Financial Topics

  • Taking Control of Your $
  • Strategic Cost Cutting
  • Reducing Every Purchase
  • New Income Streams
  • Slashing Financial Stress
  • Debt Annihilator
  • Longer Financial Plans
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Financial Success Topics

  • Negotiating Everything
  • Being Financially Stable
  • Turnaround Mindset
  • Guerrilla 'Job' Search
  • Zero College Financing
  • Cutting Largest $ Drains
  • Continuou$ Improvement
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Success Topics

  • Be the CEO of Your Life
  • Intuitive Leadership
  • Control Your Mind, Control Your Future!
  • Off & Online Connecting
  • Dispute Resolution 2.0
  • Goal Setting & Achieving

Hi, I'm Jeff Wilson...

I grew up in Fayette, a small town west of Toledo, Ohio. I've been very driven all of my life so I rarely do the “normal” thing. For 25+ years (15 of those while in college), I've run and owned companies, filling multiple Executive roles, helping those companies reach record sales and profits.

I've got lots of degrees in management, marketing, computer science, finance, and law as well as advanced training in real estate  and financial investing. I'm still active in distressed real estate and businesses, play competitive sports, emcee and sing at local events, and regularly spend time with my wife, family, and Bichon-Maltese buddies.  See my Home and About pages for more.

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Praise for Jeff Wilson

Anyone with high aspirations will benefit from Jeff's common sense "cheat sheets" that fly in the face of the pervasive "entitlement mentality" so many have fallen victim to...

--Jim Cockrum
Online Business CEO
Silent Sales Machine

Jeff's cheat sheets constitute a "handbook for success" that can be used for years to come.  If you want to guide your life in a positive direction, this is for you!

--Thomas Gutteridge
Business College Dean
University of Toledo

Jeff challenges you to think without limitations, expand your goals, outline a plan to accomplish them, then accelerate their success by taking action to get ahead of the crowd.

--Tom Schmidt
President & CEO
Schmidt Auto Group

Jeff's lays out how to avoid the rat race by showing how to avoid the paycheck to paycheck mentality they're trapped in. His teachings should be part of our primary education system.

--Scott Meyers
President & Founder
Alcatraz Storage

Interested in Booking Jeff for Your Next Event?

Ready to get in touch with Jeff? Please take a moment and share with us more about your upcoming event! We will get back with you within 24 hours. Thanks!

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